The question did not ask you to criticize the negative attitudes and perceptions. The question ask you to evaluate the impact of the events on the attitudes and perceptions of the staff.
In the past posts, I have been giving you directions on the events that have taken place in the organizations and how these events are likely to create negative attitudes and perceptions. I suggest that you go back to the older posts and go over them several times to get a clearer picture of the events that have taken place and think of how these events would have create negative attitudes and perceptions.
For example, the non-communicative manner of the top management will produce suspicious attitudes from the employees. Leaving the employees in the dark is not good. To the employees, it gives them a perception of sneaky plans to get rid of them, otherwise, why all the secrecy?
This is how you would evaluate the impact of the events on the attitudes and perceptions of the staff.
In answering the assignment questions, please do read it several times in order to get the real meaning. Do not read one time only and jump in to the answer immediately. At the Master level, you are required to do deep readings, analysis and critical evaluation.