Someone was asking me about the best university programs and where to find them. This is what I have to say, having been in the education field for 27 years.
No matter what programs you enrolled into or what university you get into, the final question is, "can you make money with your program and the piece of paper you have earned?"
If, at the end of an expensive program from an ivy league university, you still cannot make money either for yourself or for the employer, then your program is useless. It doesn't matter if it comes from a 1000 years old university or the biggest campus university or the most expensive tuition fees you have paid.
Society will judge you by your performance, that is, CAN YOU MAKE MONEY WITH WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED AND LOTS OF IT? If you can, then the world recognise you.
There is one program that is proving its worth here, SMORTY.COM. If you are educated, have plenty of information in your head, here is something you should consider seriously; Make Money through There is no money layout,only your time and your brains.
I am recommending this site to my students, both my MBA and Doctorate students.
So Make Money through this program, the program.