Extract from assignment.
"Staff had to re-apply for their own jobs and consequently, there were a lot of negative perceptions about the values espoused by the organisation and about staff having things done to them and not with them."

Now, when staff had to re apply for their own jobs, it means that all are retrenched. No one is single out and only those who are interested to get back their jobs need to reapply. The employees will perceive the management as seeing who is really in need of their jobs. Those who are in need will reapply back for their jobs. Those who want to go, will just go. The employees will also perceive that those who reapply back their jobs will be at the mercy of the management, because they need the money and will appear 'weak' in the eyes of the management. They will perceive that the management can do anything to them because they need the jobs badly.

The negative perceptions about the values espoused by the organisation will probably referred to the values of organization such as taking care of their human resources, value of human assets. It is likely that through the actions of the management, little communication and forced retrenchment, etc, the values of human assets, teamwork, two way flow communications are no longer espoused by the organization. The sentence ' things done to them and not with them' clearly points to lack of teamwork and lack of communication between management and employees. It is likely that the employees will perceive that the management are out to get them, rather than working with them.