Question 2 of the assignment:
Choose three motivational theories that you would draw on for motivating your staff. With the three theories, you will need to discuss the actions (which you have to think up like real) to motivate your staff.
This question will draw on module three of your study guide and covers chapter 2, 3 and 4 of your text book, concentrating more on chapter 3 and 4. Chapter 3 will cover the various theories while chapter 4 will give you ideas on the actions part.
It is suggested that you should combined both Content theories and Process theories. It is foolish to present purely on content theories or process theories only. That would not be balanced and that is not what the markers are looking for.
The relevant theories that are required for this case are: Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Hersberg' s two factor theory, Equity theory and Expectancy theory. An introduction on job satisfaction is in order as to understand why the employees are not happy.