The requirement for MGT5000 assignment is an academic essay. This means you must have the introduction, body with relevant headings and conclusion. There are four main questions, which will be used as your main four headings in the body of your essay. The introduction will be the introduction to effective management while the conclusion should be a summary of all the four questions.
The assignment has a word limitation of 4,000 words, meaning each question will be given a limit of 1,000 words.
Bear in mind that the due date is 21 December, 2007. Actually, you do not have much time left, bearing in mind today is 25th November, 2007.
I shall be posting tips and guide on this blog on the above assignment. So please keep a look out on this site regularly as I will post whenever, something comes to my mind.

Please do your compulsory reading on chapter 1 and 2 of your text book , as well as the study guide. Make references from these two sources. The next level , you should log into your USQ library and look up the journals, articles and read about the relevant sections on values, attitudes and perceptions. You should also search the web for relevant articles besides the ones from wikipedia on the topics of values, attitudes and perceptions. Please note down the relevant electronic references which you need to use in the essay, both intext citation and end of text citation. Normally, the MBA level requires 3 references from textbooks, 6 empirical journals and 5 from electronic references. This is a guide to indicate to the marker the amount of readings and searches you have done on this topics. With the four questions, covering 6 modules, you should not have any problem in covering the above required references. Anything less than that would indicate a lack of reading and your seriousness in doing the assignment.

Lastly, I want all members who used this site to put their queries on the comments box and I will answer them in this blog for everyone benefits. It is quite frustrating to see members coming in , read and leave without leaving any comments. Then I get queries in the mail, asking this and that. I will not answer queries in the mail as my mail is quite congested already but I will check this blog for queries in the comments box and will post the answers. This should now be the regular classroom for both classroom students and distance learning students. And the comments box is meant to be a two way flow communication between you and me. So please make full use of the comments box in this blog