Project Management Paper is a popular module that is often made a core paper in most programs, undergraduate or Masters.
Recently, a group of students were given an assignment to do. The topic is on Light Railway Train ( LRT) in a cosmopolitan city. Now, not many of us have any idea of how to do a project feasibility study on LRT. This is an alien topic to us and we have no clue on how to go about this topic.

Nevertheless, the assignment have to be done and to be done quickly as the dead line is drawing near.

First step:
Get resources on the topic of LRT.
The easiest way is to use the search engines like google search, Yahoo search or Livesearch(MSN).
Type in the keywords, 'LRT project, LRT activities, Light Rail Train, Light Railway Transit project.' Students have to be creative here and generate several keywords pertaining to the topics of LRT. These should help to generate a host of links to the LRT. Scroll down and select the urls that are closest to your topic.

Download the relevant files on LRT. Read over the reading and take notes.
Alternatively, you can go to the e-library given by your university and extract some information from the journals in the e-library.

Second Step:
Read the resources on LRT several times, at least three times.
Make notes after each reading. The notes should be relevant to the topic of the assignment and relevant to the key questions or requirements of the assignment.

Third Step:
Start writing your first draft by using a mindmap of the relevant headings
Fill in all the relevant topics or headings. After you have done this, then make the order according to Introduction, Body and Recommendation. After you have done this, then make your Executive Summary. The Executive Summary is made last because it is to tell the reader the flow of the report. Until you have planned down to the last thing, you will not be able to write your Executive Summary. However Executive Summary is placed in the beginning of the report, just after your cover sheet.